Lesson Text: Genesis 24:1-67
In Genesis 24, we encounter a pivotal moment in Abraham's life. At the age of one hundred forty, he was old and well-stricken, yet the Lord had blessed him in all things. This context is crucial to understanding the weight of his decisions and actions in the following passages.
In verse 2, we see Abraham speaking to the eldest servant of his house. The servant, though unnamed, was not just any servant. He was Abraham's eldest servant, entrusted with the rule over all Abraham had. His role was not just to manage the house and its affairs but to carry out significant tasks on behalf of Abraham, as we will see. Based on Genesis 15:2, this person is Eliezer.
Abraham requests that this servant journey back to the country from which Abraham came to find a wife for Abraham’s son, Isaac. Abraham, driven by a deep paternal love and care, adamantly insists that Isaac should not marry a woman from the land of Canaan. His determination stems from his desire for Isaac to marry someone from his own kindred, ensuring his future is secure and blessed. This was so important to Abraham that he made the servant swear he would not take a wife for Isaac from the daughters of the Canaanites.
We see the servant ask questions of Abraham to ensure he understood what to do if the woman he found was not willing to leave her home and come to the land of Canaan. This tells me that the servant realized the importance of his task. Abraham tells the servant that he is free from his oath if the woman is unwilling to follow him.
The servant, having sworn to Abraham, embarked on a journey that would shape the future of Isaac. He took ten of Abraham’s camels and set off from Hebron, traveling to Mesopotamia and the city of Nahor. This journey, filled with anticipation, leads us to the pivotal moment at the well where he encounters Rebekah.
The servant travels to Mesopotamia, stopping at a well to water his camel. It is here that we see this servant pray to God. He prays for God to show kindness to Abraham and that the woman who comes to the well and gives him and his camels drink will be the one God has chosen for Isaac.
A maiden named Rebekah comes to the well and does all that the servant had prayed. He knows she is the one God had intended for Isaac. Rebekah was the daughter of Bethuel, who was the son of Milcah and Nahor. Nahor was Abraham’s brother. This means that Rebekah comes from the people (kindred) that Abraham was so determined for Isaac to marry.
The servant gives Rebekah gold and asks if he could lodge at her father’s house. Rebekah shows kindness and hospitality to the servant by letting him know that her family would be willing to accommodate him at their home.
The servant tells Rebekah’s family all about Abraham and why he is there. He asks them if Rebekah will be allowed to go. Rebekah’s father believes God has blessed the union and permits Rebekah to leave with the servant.
Overwhelmed with gratitude and humility, the servant immediately bows down, thanking God for His answer. He expresses his gratitude by offering Rebekah and her family many costly jewels, which reflects his deep reverence for God's providence.
Rebekah agrees to leave with the servant the following day. The family blesses Rebekah and seems to understand the importance of her marriage to Isaac concerning God’s promises. The servant and Rebekah meet up with Isaac, and he and Rebekah get married. Verse 67 tells us that Isaac loved Rebekah.
The servant kept God at the center by praying to Him and thanking Him for being with him. This is what I call a great example! Like this servant, let us pray to God and keep Him at the center of all things. May we pray for His will to be done in our lives. Let us be obedient to Christ, knowing what He would have us to do by delving into the pages of His Word.
Let us study like the Bereans we read about in Acts 17:10-12:
“Then the brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea. When they arrived, they went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Therefore many of them believed, and also not a few of the Greeks, prominent women as well as men.”
Let's embrace the Word eagerly and delve into the scriptures to confirm our salvation. It's our responsibility to ensure our own salvation. Don't rely on someone else to tell you you're saved – know it yourself!
Isn't your soul worth it?
Many Blessings,
